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Plant-Based Milk Sheet Mask Packaging


This project aimed to create a complimentary packaging to clean beauty brand, ESW Beauty's premier line, with a new theme and updated product. These designs follow their main motif of healthy living & beverage inspired skincare. The packaging is inspired by the products' key ingredients: plant-based milk. The inner and set packaging was designed to be reminiscent of your childhood milk carton.

Saunders Jewelry Logo & Branding


After small, family business, Saunders Jewelry, celebrated their 50th year in business, they decided they wanted a modern refresh to their brand identity without losing the history they hold in the community. As a well-recognized fixture in their town, they wanted to renew their brand as a way to introduce themselves to the younger generation in their ever-changing neighborhood.

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Portugal Factbook

The Portugal Factbook editorial digests 15,000+ words from the CIA's World Factbook database. Its intended use is a marketing tool for the tourism office of Portugal. The project contains data visualization, magazine guidelines, and original branding inspired by a specific brand persona in mind.

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Shopify Website Redesign

This project was completed in November of 2021 using Shopify's Shogun application to create a new website for clean beauty skincare brand, ESW Beauty, following the launch of their new product.

ASL Alphabet Book

WE SIGN is a children's book designed to establish a more inclusive channel for communication by introducing American Sign Language at an early age.


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